Peer Review One

22 Jan

For my peer review, I have Rachael Yeung. She has presented her website, “12To12” as being about her personal blog and her experiences with Korean language and culture. The brand, however, is a little confusing. Is she planning on using her knowledge of Korean language and culture to provide a different perspective to those not knowledgeable on Korea? What is her target audience? Additionally, does she plan on representing herself as a professional on Korean information? Is she planning on making money from her website in the future? These are some of the questions I thought of and that I think would be helpful for Rachael to address in her blog. The idea is not clear as to what her professional self is and what she plans on doing with her website.

Additionally, her professional self seems to be about providing information on Korean culture and language. However, having gone through her website, there doesn’t seem to be much to support it. There is a page on K-pop and another page on Korean language learning, which both do support it to some extent. On both pages, there is some information to support it. However, I found that the material on both these pages is outdated. There has not been a post on either page for quite some time. For example, underneath the Korean language learning page, there is a K-word of the day sub page. However, underneath the K-word of the day, the last post was October of last year. This gives me the impression that the page has stalled or there is less on an emphasis on continuing it or posting frequently. If that is the case, I would suggest either editing the page and include fresh posts, but on a less frequent basis, or removing the page altogether.

The design of the website is well thought out and interactive and her pages are easy to navigate and find information. Additionally, I like the 12 to 12 idea, however, it would be more effective to relate it to the rest of the website.

Despite all this by taking a look at the Pub 201 page, Rachael has mentioned that she plans to create a brand for her professional self as a translator. If this is the case, then there needs to be a significant change in either the website content to support this, or there needs to be a more focused 201 page that has more content to support herself as a translator. The idea itself should be more clearly emphasized and focused on throughout the content of the website. For example, is she translating English to Korean and vise versa? Or is she translating other languages as well?

This is the link to Rachael’s website
This is her about page
And this is the page that talks about her goals with the website

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