Peer Review Two

11 Mar

I have been assigned to a peer review for Vijit’s site “”. Initially, prior to examining his website, I took a brief look at Peer Review One on his website. By doing so, I noticed that there were many suggestions of what to work on but it doesn’t appear like much, has been changed or improved since then.

Now, having examined the website, there is a lot that needs work. Firstly, the homepage has not been updated and there is only one post that says “Welcome to wordpress…” I would suggest updating the page to reflect the misson goals and statements.

Additionally, the same can be said about the other aspects of the website and other pages. There are no posts under Pub 201 and under the Acts page there is only a picture of a grilled wrap (which is fine; it does look yummy but it isn’t clear what the purpose of the image is). Also, there don’t seem to be consistent posts that reflect the mission goals or statements. Overall, the page does need work more frequent posts and also through design updates to make it more visually appealing.

As for the Social Media, there doesn’t appear to be any Social Media integration within the website. Different platforms of use within the website would be useful to connect with clients or customers. I would suggest having the different social media icons in coordination with the mission goals either on the home page, or within ever page.

As for monetization strategy, I’m not sure that there is one. By reading the about page, I think I gather that the website is about providing quick and easy food options for university students which is a great idea. However, there isn’t anything on the website about different recipes, different products, or different options or ways in which Vijit plans on making money (such as through sponsors or ads).

Overall, I would suggest that Vijit first create a clear and concise mission statement about the goals of the website and what his plans are for it. After that is done, I suggest that he post on a regular, consistent basis in order to get customers and followers to his website. Finally I would include Social Media integration throughout the website to ensure connections with followers. In this sense, it can either be specific Social Media accounts such as Twitter and Facebook related to the blog, or it can be through personal Social Media accounts and using those to provide tips, suggestions, recipes, etc to students.

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